100% clear and tested Bulgarian honey, honey products and jams
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Highest quality
You only get the best Bulgarian honey, honey products or jams

100% tested and clear products
You get a full warranty and test results from QSI and Intertek

Proven origin & certification
Avoid any complaints and prove the quality and origin of the products you sell

Organic or conventional honey and honey products
We offer only the highest quality honey and honey products from the purest regions in Bulgaria. We use certified raw materials with trackable origin to the beekeepers.
Interested in selling our retail brands?
Organic or conventional jams with the best fruits in Bulgaria
Jams that have their own character - strong taste, pure natural aroma and bright colors - a perfection closed in a jar.
Our natural jams are made with the minimum ingredients - fruits (55%), sugar and lemon acid.
There are two options to make it work for you - sell our brands and get great margins or develop a private label for your company.

Why we do it?
We believe that good food means good health. That is why we produce pure organic jams and honey products – for all the people and their families that want to enjoy the sweetness of nature in the most pure and non-harmful way.
How we do it?
Trusted network of carefully selected partners.
We test all our raw materials before we buy them. We take samples and send them to QSI and Intertek for more than 22 tests. After we receive an assurance that the product is clean, we buy it from the supplier. After that, the raw materials (honey) are transported to our certified factory. There we store, filter, and package our products under strict measures according to the Organic Certificate.
That’s how we guarantee the highest quality and 100% pureness of the honey and the honey products we offer.